We provide comprehensive android app development services for creating and maintaining the functionality of Android apps using platform-specific technologies like Java and Kotlin. As an android app development company, we offer a range of innovative and advanced methodology ensuring your application features every aspect of your business.
We have explored the following android capabilities while development for various projects
Addressing your business requirement for feature-rich android app development we begin with our starter kit UpcomingMovies-Android. We not only provide better functionalities but also unique experiences by following best practices for Android app development using advanced app architecture Jetpack which helps developers to integrate various jitpack components.
As an Android app development agency, we mostly use Constraint Layout & Recycler View for the development of UI in XML and whenever required we create custom UI components to make it reusable throughout the app. Some of the libraries we use extensively while development are Retrofit for Networking, Room, GreenDAO or ORMLite for persistence storage, Jackson for JSON parsing, Mockito for unit testing, LiveData as DataHolders. Our custom android application development leverages on frameworks such as RxJava, RxKotlin & RxAndroid for the development of the best android applications.
With our agile approach and cross industry experience of working with startups, SMEs and many US-based companies, our aim is to build custom android apps and bring better functionalities to your application that align with the core business objective of your organisation.
RX Java
RX Android
Design Patterns
Design Practices
Sqlite Using GreenDAO
We use Java and Kotlin for Android app development. We use the latest native tools and recommended design patterns to ensure that app is scalable and maintainable.